What is Anxiety? Symptoms, Causes And How To Manage Your Anxiety In USA 2022

What is Anxiety? Symptoms, Causes And How To Manage Your Anxiety In USA 2022

What is Anxiety Symptoms, Causes And How To Manage Your Anxiety In USA 2022

What is Anxiety? Symptoms, Causes And How To Manage Your Anxiety In USA 2022

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the response we get when our body tells us there’s danger or stress in our environment. It’s a feeling of worry, fear, and uneasiness resulting from an emotional or physical stimulus (such as public speaking).

What are anxiety disorders? How do they work?

Anxiety disorders are mental illnesses that make us feel afraid, worried, or uneasy for no apparent reason. It can have severe effects on our social lives, work performance, and self-esteem.

Symptoms of Anxiety?

  • Dizziness / light headedness / fainting spells
  • Easily fatigued
  • Nausea/stomach problems
  • Irritability/ being easily annoyed
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness for no reason
  • Being more sensitive to noise, colors, and smells than usual.
  • Feel that you are going crazy.
  • Feeling irritable, on edge.
  • Generally a feeling that something bad is going to happen.
  • Sleep disturbance may occur, waking with a panic attack,
  • sweats, and strong physical feelings of anxiety,
  • especially when the person wakes up in the morning.

Causes of Anxiety?

People with anxiety find that certain things trigger their attacks. Common triggers are:

  • Stressful events
  • Excessive caffeine intake
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Drug use

What is a panic attack?

A Panic Attack is a physical state of intense fear that comes out of the blue and affects a person’s entire body. The person experiencing it may or may not recognize what they are going through as an anxiety attack – They don’t understand that it is happening and think that they are having a heart attack, suffocating, or going mad. Panic attacks can be very frightening and tend to reinforce the person’s belief that they have an ongoing problem with anxiety.

Tips on how to manage your anxiety at home?

  1. Make sure your environment is as de-stressful as possible.
  2. If you can change the things that make you feel bad, do it – but if not, find ways to cope with them:
  3. Soothe yourself: Have a long hot bath or shower and relax for at least 20 minutes. Listen to calming music (write down some of your favourite songs).
  4. Make sure to exercise at least three times a week. Make sure you eat healthily and drink plenty of water. Get into the habit of eating regular meals, or if not hungry at regular times, snack on healthy food every few hours instead of only having 1 or 2 very large meals.
  5. Learn what triggers your anxiety and do your best to avoid those things.
  6. Learn what releases the anxiety and seek those situations as often as possible so that you learn to cope with them better.
  7. Knowledge is power – When we feel out of control we can become panicky, but when we know what is happening and why we feel calmer. Take time to understand as much as you can about the way your body and mind work, how anxiety happens and what you can do to help yourself.
  8. Learn breathing exercises – it will help stabilize your state of mind. As long as we are breathing our bodies will keep going, but if we forget to breathe, even for a few seconds, we feel a sense of panic.
  9. Try doing one step at a time, don’t try to take on too much.
  10. Write down the things you feel that are making you anxious or afraid, then break them down into smaller steps that you can manage more easily. Then do them – one at a time!
  11. Everyone has their own way of dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. These are just some ideas about what has helped me in the past. Try them out and adapt them to suit you, your family, lifestyle, and culture.

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